Booster/preamp info:
Almost any type pickup works fine with our booster/preamp circuit. They are not "pickup preamps" like in an EMG, instead, they are more like an "over drive" circuit. They boost voltage by 10 times.
This is how the booster circuit works:
Most humbucking pickups put out around 1/2 volt. That means you have 1/2 volt
going into the input preamp stage of your amp. When you turn on the booster it
increases the voltage of your pickups by 10 times. Otherwise, your 1/2 volt pickup output jumps to 5 volts. When you push 5 volts of signal into the front end of your amp it over loads it to the point of distortion. It will also increase the volume of the amp considerably.
The best and most useful way to use this booster/preamp circuit is to set your amp for nice rhythm crunch/mild distortion. Then when you turn on the booster it will slightly increase the amp volume and it will add really nice distortion and some compression.
I've been using this booster for my distorted ROCK leads for 30 years.
It's also the same booster unit that came in almost ALL 70s & 80s BC Rich guitars.
Booster/varitone info:
Neal Moser Guitars offers both single boosters and booster/varitone combination circuits.
The varitone is a 6 position rotary switch. In the counter clockwise 1st
position it is straight through, no affect on the sound of the guitar. As you rotate the switch clockwise it sends the signal through an inductor coil and then a capacitor to ground. Each position uses a different value capacitor. That creates a different sound in each position. It's hard to explain exactly how it sounds, but it like a mid range scoop. It's great for recording. It will take a Les
Paul sound and turn in into a Strat type sound and anything in-between. It requires no battery.
The booster is a "times 10" unit. When you turn on the booster it increases
the output voltage of your pickup from approximately 1/2 volt to about 5 volts depending on the pickup you are using. This extra voltage over loads the input stage of your amp and creates great natural distortion. We now offer a CAP MOD circuit as well. When used in conjuntion with the booster, you'll get less boost with a brighter sound. This creates a really great lead sound that cuts through the mud. The booster requires a 9Volt battery.
Almost any type pickup works fine with our booster/preamp circuit. They are not "pickup preamps" like in an EMG, instead, they are more like an "over drive" circuit. They boost voltage by 10 times.
This is how the booster circuit works:
Most humbucking pickups put out around 1/2 volt. That means you have 1/2 volt
going into the input preamp stage of your amp. When you turn on the booster it
increases the voltage of your pickups by 10 times. Otherwise, your 1/2 volt pickup output jumps to 5 volts. When you push 5 volts of signal into the front end of your amp it over loads it to the point of distortion. It will also increase the volume of the amp considerably.
The best and most useful way to use this booster/preamp circuit is to set your amp for nice rhythm crunch/mild distortion. Then when you turn on the booster it will slightly increase the amp volume and it will add really nice distortion and some compression.
I've been using this booster for my distorted ROCK leads for 30 years.
It's also the same booster unit that came in almost ALL 70s & 80s BC Rich guitars.
Booster/varitone info:
Neal Moser Guitars offers both single boosters and booster/varitone combination circuits.
The varitone is a 6 position rotary switch. In the counter clockwise 1st
position it is straight through, no affect on the sound of the guitar. As you rotate the switch clockwise it sends the signal through an inductor coil and then a capacitor to ground. Each position uses a different value capacitor. That creates a different sound in each position. It's hard to explain exactly how it sounds, but it like a mid range scoop. It's great for recording. It will take a Les
Paul sound and turn in into a Strat type sound and anything in-between. It requires no battery.
The booster is a "times 10" unit. When you turn on the booster it increases
the output voltage of your pickup from approximately 1/2 volt to about 5 volts depending on the pickup you are using. This extra voltage over loads the input stage of your amp and creates great natural distortion. We now offer a CAP MOD circuit as well. When used in conjuntion with the booster, you'll get less boost with a brighter sound. This creates a really great lead sound that cuts through the mud. The booster requires a 9Volt battery.